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Peace Corps in Iran

Peace Corps in Iran


    The HISTORY tab on the left leads to a comprehensive overview of the work of Peace Corps Volunteers in Iran with stories and documents gathered over the years. In a nutshell, Volunteers served in Iran from 1962 until 1976. The first document is a copy of the formal agreement between the U.S. and Iran. The section ends with an article by Sheldon Fleming son of the last PC director in Iran.

    The ARCHIVES tab provides links to a wide variety of documents including back issues of KhabarNameh, From the Field, the Advocacy Bulletin and more.

    The STORIES tab features a collection of volunteer experiences, some of which have been published in the KhabarNameh and some which appear here for the first time.

    The VIDEO STORIES tab is a set of two-minute testimonials by volunteers who served in Iran.

    BOOKS BY VOLUNTEERS features a bibliography complied by John Krauskopf.

    The PHOTOS BY VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE is a collection of pictures taken by volunteers while serving in Iran.