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Impact - Advocacy


The third goal of Peace Corps is to educate Americans about Iran based on our Peace Corps experience. As a non-profit organization and as individual members, we can witness and respond to public policies that affect American’s perceptions and understanding of Iranians living in the U.S. and U.S-Iran relations.  Engaging in public policy advocacy can also raise awareness of PCIA’s mission, mobilize RPCVs and attract positive media attention.      


PCIA’s commitment to the 3rd goal of Peace Corps is carried out through its Advocacy component.   PCIA’s mission advocates for peace through education, outreach and cultural diplomacy.  Advocacy encompasses a broad range of activities to influence decision-makers, including public education, capacity building, relationship building, forming networks, leadership development, litigation and lobbying.  Advocacy activities promote our mission while lobbying aims to influence a specific piece of legislation. 



Peace Corps Iran Association advances peace and understanding between Americans and Iranians through education, outreach and advocacy, and upholds the legacy of the Peace Corps in Iran.


Peace Corps Iran Association advocates for peace and understanding through education, outreach, and cultural diplomacy.



The Board of Peace Corps Iran Association has adopted the following Guiding Principles for our advocacy efforts toward improving relationships between Iran and the United States, and their peoples.

1.   Understanding and acceptance of other people and cultures are the building blocks of friendship, inclusiveness and world peace.  As citizens of a world power, Americans bear a special responsibility. 

2.    Tolerance and mutual respect form the foundation for peaceful interactions between countries and their citizens. 
3.    Bringing countries and their citizens into the global community through cultural and economic ties reinforces international cooperation and reduces the likelihood of armed conflict.
4.    Negotiation and diplomacy are essential to resolving international issues.
5.    Force is rarely justified in dealing with conflicts.  Peace is built and sustained through voluntary agreement and consent.


1.    The Advocacy Bulletin is an opt-out email publication for PCIA members interested in this subject.  It is a way to share ideas, information, and opportunities for action.  The Bulletin is archived on the website.
2.    PCIA members are invited to share articles for publication.   The editor decides which articles are selected for publication. Some pieces, particularly when not aligned with PCIA’s Mission, Values, and Guiding Principles, or which do not relate to the current state of Iran advocacy issues, may be posted in PCIA’s Facebook group. 
3.  Articles should be addressed to and the release question answered, "I consent/do not consent to the release of my writing beyond the Advocacy Bulletin distribution and PCIA archives."  If consent is given, statements issued to the public will be identified as coming from the author, and not PCIA, the Advocacy Committee, or Board.
4.   Writers are encouraged to include action recommendations and reference information to help readers understand issues. 
5.    The Advocacy Bulletin is not an academic journal, but it does aspire to be fact-based.  Whenever possible citations and links to web-based articles should be included in the articles.
6.   Opinions and ideas from members expressed in the Bulletin do not represent Board positions.  However, members of the Advocacy Committee may present a position to the Board and request endorsement. Positions adopted by the Board to be posted in the Advocacy Bulletin will be identified as such.  



In response to urgent opportunities for advocacy action the PCIA Advocacy Committee will issue Action Alerts to members who wish to respond to late breaking events.

The actions will include phoning or writing to congressional representatives or writing letters to editors.

To receive Action Alerts, send a request to

PCIA Letter to Biden - Harris

The  PCIA Board recently send a letter to President-Elect Biden offering congratulations on his election and a call to a return to the JCPOA (Nuclear Deal). To read the text of the letter by clicking HERE.